Use "fall between two stools|fall between two stool" in a sentence

1. You'd fall between two stools.

2. Overall, the study seems to fall between two stools.

3. Again,(sentence dictionary) we may make compromises and fall between two stools.

4. You must make a choice between Mary and Lily, or you'll fall between two stools.

5. If you go on do as that, you will fall between two stools.

6. If you don't make your choice in time, you are likely to fall between two stools.

7. Most products fall between these two extremes.

8. The one who wants an easy job with a high pay will fall between two stools in the end.

9. Its attempt to combine serious social comment with an escapist action movie format cause it to fall heavily between two stools.

10. 19 Between two stools one goes to the ground. 

11. As a result it fell between two stools and was an embarrassing flop.

12. Laundry Bleaches fall into two categories

13. Two distinct features identify fall Armyworms

14. 18 Leaders fall into two categories.

15. That was a bad time for her because she fell between two stools in a way.

16. The text seems dully at variance with the fantasy of the illustrations and falls between two stools.

17. Commiserating over cocktails, the two fall into bed

18. 11 The problems generally fall into two categories.

19. You might fall between this chair and that television.

20. 27 Private pension schemes fall into two broad categories.

21. Atheist positions seem to fall into two main categories

22. Gestures fall into two general categories: descriptive and emphatic.

23. 14 Keynes observed that humans fall into two classes.

24. Vitamins fall into two categories : fat soluble and water soluble .

25. The author seems uncertain whether he is writing a comedy or a tragedy, so the play falls between two stools.

26. Adjustable Backstay designs fall into two types: direct and indirect

27. Torn between anger and self - reproach, he could hardly fall asleep.

28. The grammar guide falls between two stools - it's too difficult for a beginner but not detailed enough for an advanced student.

29. Between midsummer and early fall, each Crabgrass plant produces thousands of seeds

30. They fall into two main categories: inflammatory Arthritis and osteoArthritis (OA)

31. The two fall into the sewers and are separated from Shunsaku.

32. And breasts that fall into these two categories are considered dense.

33. It took two weeks for the acropolis of Athens to fall.

34. Basically, they are chainlike molecules that fall into two main categories.

35. Previously, the GSL was divided into two seasons: Spring and Fall.

36. Lit., “between the two evenings.”

37. All fees on a semester basis-- if a chapter has different fall and semester dues, the average Cost between the two semesters is what is shown here.

38. Dig between those two rises.

39. I'm caught between two fires.

40. Combination reaction may occur between two elements, two compounds, or between a compound and an element.

41. Question:These two additional blocks, do they fall within the Nine-Dash Line?

42. Two addicts made it to sobriety, only to fall off the wagon.

43. Many a slip [Many things fall] between the cup and the lip. 

44. API gravity values of most petroleum liquids fall between 10 and 70 degrees.

45. Commonly used Antimetabolites for pediatric cancer fall into two main categories: 1.

46. Beadless airlines literally fall apart if they are not connected between adjacent connectors

47. A countryman between two lawyers is just like a fish between two cats. Benjamin Franklin 

48. My Bar Stools is the quality bar stool warehouse for wood bar stools, metal Barstools, iron bar stools, home bars, and swivel bar counter stools

49. They were caught between two fires.

50. Nouns fall into one of two broad categories: Common nouns and proper nouns

51. Pustule grew on nose, two weeks fall not to go. How to do?

52. He liaised between two negotiating parties.

53. Diluted forms of these two acids fall to earth as rain, or snow.

54. Generally speaking, however, they appear to fall into two categories: external and internal.

55. I allowed the two pennies to fall against the sixpence in my pocket.

56. Bashkirs between Two Worlds, 1552-1824

57. Fighting renewed between the two armies.

58. My Bar Stools is the bar stool furniture superstore, offering metal & wood Barstools, backless bar stools, and kitchen bar counter stools

59. If you’re visiting Bari, you’re going to fall into one of two camps

60. Essentially, the various past and current Christocentric approaches fall into two categories: 1.

61. Ocean currents fall into two main categories: surface currents and deep ocean currents.

62. Arbitrate between To mediate between two (or more) parties in conflict

63. Go Crabbing here any time between summer and early fall for the best catch

64. Correlation between two variables indicates that a relationship exists between those variables

65. Conversation between A and B I overheard a Conversation between two colleagues

66. There are two main categories that Bearings fall into: radial Bearings and thrust Bearings

67. An Aromantic person can fall into one of two groups: Aromantic sexual people or

68. Revisionist analyses of socio-economic trends in the countryside fall into two distinct categories.

69. 72 rows  · Cattle breeds fall into two main types, which are regarded as either two closely related …

70. Between 1896 and 1914 the area under indigo and its exports had a precipitous fall .

71. Commitment is an agreement between two parties

72. Choice Rules support comparison between two variables

73. The smallest angle between two adjacent sides,

74. The smallest angle between two adjacent sides.

75. There is disagreement between these two estimates.

76. Relations between the two families are strained.

77. There was collusion between the two witnesses .

78. We swung the hammock between two trees.

79. between the two sides ceased at midnight.

80. the smallest angle between two adjacent sides.